Mining Engineering Student Parade and Competition V (MINESPACE V) is a national mining competition. This activity was organized by the Mining Student Association of the Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University (PERMATA FT-UH). Paper Competition is among competition during MINESPACE V where participants have to write scientific articles. This competition was held with the hope of increasing the ability and understanding of mining engineering students in Indonesia in channeling creativity in the form of scientific writing. This paper competition consists of several stages, including abstract selection, full paper selection, and the final stage. In the final stage, there were three teams that passed, which should present their presentation at the Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Makassar. One of the three teams is the Amethyst team from ITB. The Amethyst team consisted of 3 students from the Mining Engineering department of ITB, namely Jerhikma (12118070), Muthia Nabila Tsamara Firtania (12118059), and Shania Ariesta (12118064).

The Amethyst team participated in several events in Makassar, including presentations, fun trips and closing events. The presentation was held on May 15, 2022 at the Faculty of Engineering, UNHAS. The title of the paper that was presented was “Analysis of the Potential Application of In situ leaching Mining Methods on Uranium Deposits in Sibolga, Central Tapanuli”. This paper contains an initial review of the application of in situ leaching technology for uranium mining in Indonesia, especially in the Sibolga area, Central Tapanuli. This paper reviews the permeability of uranium deposits and their effect on the technical application of the in situ leaching mining method. In addition, an analysis of the environmental impact of the in situ leaching method was carried out. In general, the In situ leaching method is carried out by injecting a solution underground to dissolve the ore and then the dissolved ore will be pumped to the surface. The in situ leaching method is an economical and sustainable method, but is strongly influenced by the sediment permeability factor. This paper was guided by the lecturer from Earth Resource Exploration Research Group, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering ITB Dr. Andy Yahya Al Hakim. Then on May 16, 2022, the Amethyst Team took part in a fun trip, namely visiting several tourist destinations in Makassar, namely Fort Rotterdam, La Galigo Museum, City Museum, 99 Dome Mosque and Losari Beach. Then in the evening, a closing ceremony was held as well as the announcement of the results of the paper competition, where the Amethyst Team managed to won the 2nd place.

Award night

Mining Engineering Student Parade and Competition V (MINESPACE V) adalah ajang perlombaan di bidang pertambangan yang berskala nasional. Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan oleh organisasi Persatuan Mahasiswa Tambang Fakultas Teknik Universitas Hasanuddin (PERMATA FT-UH). Salah satu kompetisi yang dilaksanakan adalah “Paper Competition”. Paper Competition merupakan sebuah kompetisi dimana peserta akan diuji untuk membuat karya dalam bentuk tulisan ilmiah. Perlombaan ini diadakan dengan harapan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dan pemahaman mahasiswa Teknik pertambangan di Indonesia dalam menyalurkan kreativitas dalam bentuk tulisan ilmiah. Lomba paper ini terdiri dari beberapa tahap yaitu seleksi abstrak, seleksi full paper, dan tahap final. Pada tahap final terdapat tiga tim yang lolos yang kemudian melaksanakan presentasi di Makassae, khususnya di Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin. Salah satu dari tiga tim tersebut merupakan tim Amethyst yang berasal dari ITB. Tim Amethyst terdiri dari 3 mahasiswi dari jurusan Teknik Pertambangan ITB,  yaitu Jerhikma (12118070), Muthia Nabila Tsamara Firtania (12118059), dan Shania Ariesta (12118064).

Tim Amethyst mengikuti beberapa rangkaian acara di Makassar yaitu presentasi, fun trip dan acara closing. Presentasi dilaksanakan pada tanggal 15 Mei 2022 di Fakultas Teknik UNHAS. Adapun judul paper yang dipresentasikan yaitu “Analisis Potensi Penerapan Metode Penambangan In situ leaching pada Endapan Uranium di Sibolga, Tapanuli Tengah”. Paper ini berisi tentang tinjauan awal penerapan teknologi in situ leaching untuk penambangan uranium di Indonesia khususnya di daerah Sibolga, Tapanuli Tengah. Paper ini meninjau permeabilitas endapan uranium dan pengaruhnya terhadap teknis penerapan metode penambangan in situ leaching. Selain itu, dilakukan analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan metode in situ leaching. Secara umum, metode In situ leaching dilakukan dengan cara menginjeksikan larutan ke bawah tanah untuk melarutkan bijih lalu bijih terlarut akan dipompa ke permukaan. Metode in situ leaching merupakan metode yang ekonomis dan berkelanjutan, tetapi sangat dipengaruhi oleh faktor permeabilitas endapan. Kegiatan karya ilmiah ini mendapatkan bimbingan dari Dosen KK Eksplorasi Sumber Daya Bumi, Dr. Andy Yahya Al Hakim. Pada tanggal 16 Mei 2022, Tim Amethyst mengikuti acara fun trip yakni mengunjungi beberapa destinasi wisata yang ada di Makassar yaitu Benteng Rotterdam, Museum La Galigo, Museum Kota, Masjid 99 Kubah dan Pantai Losari. Kemudian pada malam harinya, dilaksanakan acara penutupan sekaligus pengumuman hasil lomba paper. Adapun hasil lomba paper yaitu Tim Amethyst berhasil mendapatkan juara 2.

Penerimaan Hadiah Para Pemenang Lomba Paper

Hybrid Lecture Activities in the Pandemic Period Mining Engineering Undergraduate Study Program FTTM-ITB

Online Guest Lecture Invitation Via Zoom Meeting Friday 5 February 2021

On Monday, August 5, 2019, ITB mining engineering students held a field lecture to Karangsambung, Kebumen. This field lecture was attended by 87 students of Mining Engineering class 2017. 2 students from class 2016 along with 16 assistants and 19 lecturers. This field lecture took place from August 5, 2019 to August 10, 2019. Students and their assistants traveled from Bandung to Kebumen on August 5, 2019. On the second and third days, August 6-7 2019 students started the activity by dividing into 2 groups. , the first group walked towards the north and the other group walked towards the south. The next day, the group that had headed north then walked to the south area, and vice versa. Several observation locations in the southern area include the Kali Gending dam (observation of the layering of claystone, sandstone and tuff), the location of scaly claystone, the foot of Bukit Jatigulung (observation of the contact between claystone and limestone which causes springs due to differences in permeability). , Bukit Jatibungkus(observation of olisostorm formation of limestone on clay rock), Bukit Pesangrahan (observation of conglomerate sedimentary rock outcrops), Kali Jebug (observation of burning effect on clay due to intrusion of diabase igneous rock) and Lok Ulo River (observation of alluvial deposits dam grain size gradations and changes in river flow).

For observation locations in the northern area, among others, are Mandala River (observation of fault breccias and measurement of geological structures), Luk Ulo River (observation of phyllite outcrops), former marble mining sites (observation of marble outcrops), pucagan serpentinite locations (observation of serpentinite rocks which are metamorphic rock from peridotite), Kali Muncang (observation of pillow lava which is above the interspersed red claystone and chert) and Kali Brengkok (observation of mica schist outcrop which is an ocean floor rock which is allegedly the oldest rock on the island of Java). In addition to making observations, participants were also asked to determine the position at each location by way of orientation on the map using a compass and GPS.

On the fourth day, August 8, 2019, students carried out scanline measurements and mapping using the Total Station tool. Scanline measurements were carried out on columnar joints at Mount Parang. This scanline measurement aims to determine the general direction of the joint as well as the RQD (Rock Quality Designation) and RMR (Rock Mass Rating) values ​​of the rocks in Mount Parang. Mapping with the Total Station was carried out in the rice fields next to the LIPI Karang Connect campus. Mapping is done by finding the coordinates of the firing point from two known benchmark coordinates. The number of shooting points whose coordinates will be determined is about 200 points. The coordinates of each of these points will later be plotted in the surfer application to be used as a contour map. On the fifth day, August 9 2019, students conducted excursions on the Lok Ulo, Bukit Dakah and Bukit Pentulu Indah rivers. At Sungai Lok Ulo, students were asked to interview sand miners so that students could understand how the community mining system or small mines work. At Dakah Hill and PentuluIu Indah Hill, students observed the morphology of the areas they had visited in the previous days.

Attached is the documentation for the Karang Connect Field Lecture 5 – 10 August 2019:

Monday 29 July 2019, the Handover of Field Lecture Equipment Assistance was held from the ITB Mining Engineering Alumni Association (IA TA ITB) to support the practicum process or field lectures for Mining Engineering ITB students, where this tool can also be used for activities that will will take place in the near future, namely field lectures to Karang Connect. Vice Dean for Academic Affairs (WDA) Prof. Ir. Ridho Kresna Wattimena, MT., Ph.D. also hope that this assistance from alumni will not be the last but will be the beginning for the future alumni can continue to contribute to the alma mater, as well as the chairman of IA TA Inez Rara Nastiti who provides support to her younger level who is still active in college to study seriously and in the future can contribute with IA TA.

The event was closed with a symbolic handover of field lecture equipment given by the representative of IA TA ITB, Inez Rara Nastiti (chair of IA TA) to WDA FTTM ITB Prof. Ir. Ridho Kresna Wattimena, MT., Ph.D. and also the Head of Mining Engineering S1 Study Program Dr. Eng. Ganda Marihot Simangunsong, ST., MT.

The following is the documentation of the Handover of Field Lecture Equipment Assistance activities from IA TA ITB.









Friday 7 December 2018, the Handover of Equipment Assistance for Field Lectures and PT Arutmin Indonesia Public Lectures was held in the Mining Engineering Study Program Seminar Room, FTTM ITB.

As the opening ceremony was a speech from Dr. Eng. Nuhindro Priagung Widodo, MT as the coordinator of the connecting reef field course, Mining Engineering Study Program FTTM ITB, explained about the connecting reef field lecture, attended by:

Next was the remarks from the Dean of FTTM ITB, represented by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Prof. FTTM ITB. Ir. Ridho Kresna Wattimena, MT., Ph.D. then remarks from General Manager Operations of PT Arutmin Indonesia Sudirman Widhy Hartono.

The event closed with the symbolic handing over of field lecture equipment, group photos and public lectures.

The following is the documentation of the Handover of Equipment Assistance for Field Lectures and Public Lectures of PT Arutmin Indonesia.


Recent data from USGS shows that minerals and coal production from Asian region is increasing significantly in the last decade and even for some minerals such as aluminum, nickel and copper ores as well as coal the production from Asian countries reaches more than 50% of global production. This is an indication of increasing number of mining activities in those countries which is subsequently followed by increasing demand of mining professionals.

The development of mining industry in developing county is always generating several issues, among others the optimum economic benefit to the home country, suitable policy for mining investment, national mining professional vs expatriates, environmental impact management or local social and economic challenges. In short, those issues are related to the sustainable development of mining.

Such important issues in mining industry development including mining education will be discussed in an international symposium Mining in Asia. Sharing of experiences from different countries or regions will be the main goal of this event.

This symposium is an integrated activity with Society of Mining Professors (SOMP) Regional Meeting which will be held on July 25th – 28th, 2018.

This Society of Mining Professors regional meeting will be preceded by an international symposium to obtain the latest updates on mining in Asia and its future prospect.

Institut Teknologi Bandung will host The 8th Society of Mining Professors (SOMP) Regional Meeting 2018 with the theme “Mining Development in Asia: Challenges and Opportunities for Asian Mining Education” through sustainable mining practices. The Society of Mining Professors is a vibrant Society representing the global academic community and committed to making a significant contribution to the future of the minerals disciplines.

The main goal of the Society is to guarantee the scientific, technical, academic and professional knowledge required to ensure a sustainable supply of minerals for mankind. The Society facilitates information exchange, research and teaching partnerships and other collaborative activities among its members.

The 8th SOMP Regional Meeting gives a platform to academics, researchers, government officials, professionals and other stakeholders an opportunity to interact, exchange and analyse the challenges and opportunities within the mining development.

Conference Contact

Prof. Dr. Rudy Sayoga Gautama

Chair of Steering Committee of MIA International Symposium and SOMP Regional Meeting 2018

Email : | Phone : +6281 2232 4234

Assoc. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Aryo Prawoto Wibowo, M.Eng.

Chair of Organizing Committee of MIA International Symposium and SOMP Regional Meeting 2018

Email : | Phone : +6281 2202 9234

Study Program of Mining Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering ITB

Labtek IVa Building, 2nd Floor, Jl. Ganesha No.10 Bandung 40132 West Java, Indonesia

Email : | Phone : +62 22 250 2239 | Fax : +62 22 250 4209


Conference Hall, CRCS Building, 2nd Floor Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Bandung 40132 West Java – Indonesia

View on Google Maps :

More Information

Website :

Tentative Program & Guide : Download

Last Friday, January 27 2017, the Mining Engineering Doctoral Study Program ITB graduated a new doctor, namely Dr. Harman Setyadi who has successfully defended his dissertation in front of the Doctoral Program Open Session organized by the ITB Postgraduate School.

Dr. Harman Setyadi wrote a dissertation with the title “Development of a Mineral Deposit Prospection Model Based on Fuzzy Logic and Weight of Evidence (WofE) Method: Case Study of High Sulphidation Epithermal (HSE) Gold Deposits” under the Advisory Team/Promoter 1. Prof. Dr. Sudarto Notosiswojo, 2. Dr.rer.nat. Lilik Eko Widodo, 3. Dr. Gusti Ayu Putri Saptawati S. The Open Session was chaired by Prof.Dr. Satria Bijaksana, and acting as a rebuttal team in the open trial was Dr. Riantini Virtriana, and Dr. Mohamad Nur Heriawan.

Congratulations to Dr. Harman Setyadi, always success in his work.