Mining Engineering Undergraduate Study Program is divided into two options, namely Exploration Mining and General Mining, taking into account the wide scope of the mining industry. Both options are supported by the Earth Resources Exploration Expertise Group and the Mining Engineering Expertise Group, respectively.
1. Mine Exploration
The Mine Exploration option is intended to educate students to become mining exploration technicians with skills and knowledge in the exploration of earth resources. In addition, it is also hoped that graduates will be able to apply and develop technology for exploration of earth resources efficiently and effectively, both in terms of time, cost, and risk. With these criteria, it is hoped that graduates will be able to face challenges in the discovery of earth resources and be able to make precise estimates of mineral/coal resources and reserves.
2. General Mine
The General Mining option is aimed at educating students to become mining technicians with skills and knowledge in both surface and underground mineral and coal excavation. In addition, graduates are also expected to be able to implement and develop mining technology efficiently and effectively in terms of time, cost, and risk. With these criteria, graduates are expected to be able to face challenges in mineral and coal excavation in accordance with the concept of good mining practice.