Mining Engineering Student Parade and Competition V (MINESPACE V) is a national mining competition. This activity was organized by the Mining Student Association of the Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University (PERMATA FT-UH). Paper Competition is among competition during MINESPACE V where participants have to write scientific articles. This competition was held with the hope of increasing the ability and understanding of mining engineering students in Indonesia in channeling creativity in the form of scientific writing. This paper competition consists of several stages, including abstract selection, full paper selection, and the final stage. In the final stage, there were three teams that passed, which should present their presentation at the Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Makassar. One of the three teams is the Amethyst team from ITB. The Amethyst team consisted of 3 students from the Mining Engineering department of ITB, namely Jerhikma (12118070), Muthia Nabila Tsamara Firtania (12118059), and Shania Ariesta (12118064).
The Amethyst team participated in several events in Makassar, including presentations, fun trips and closing events. The presentation was held on May 15, 2022 at the Faculty of Engineering, UNHAS. The title of the paper that was presented was “Analysis of the Potential Application of In situ leaching Mining Methods on Uranium Deposits in Sibolga, Central Tapanuli”. This paper contains an initial review of the application of in situ leaching technology for uranium mining in Indonesia, especially in the Sibolga area, Central Tapanuli. This paper reviews the permeability of uranium deposits and their effect on the technical application of the in situ leaching mining method. In addition, an analysis of the environmental impact of the in situ leaching method was carried out. In general, the In situ leaching method is carried out by injecting a solution underground to dissolve the ore and then the dissolved ore will be pumped to the surface. The in situ leaching method is an economical and sustainable method, but is strongly influenced by the sediment permeability factor. This paper was guided by the lecturer from Earth Resource Exploration Research Group, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering ITB Dr. Andy Yahya Al Hakim. Then on May 16, 2022, the Amethyst Team took part in a fun trip, namely visiting several tourist destinations in Makassar, namely Fort Rotterdam, La Galigo Museum, City Museum, 99 Dome Mosque and Losari Beach. Then in the evening, a closing ceremony was held as well as the announcement of the results of the paper competition, where the Amethyst Team managed to won the 2nd place.