Recent data from USGS shows that minerals and coal production from Asian region is increasing significantly in the last decade and even for some minerals such as aluminum, nickel and copper ores as well as coal the production from Asian countries reaches more than 50% of global production. This is an indication of increasing number of mining activities in those countries which is subsequently followed by increasing demand of mining professionals.
The development of mining industry in developing county is always generating several issues, among others the optimum economic benefit to the home country, suitable policy for mining investment, national mining professional vs expatriates, environmental impact management or local social and economic challenges. In short, those issues are related to the sustainable development of mining.
Such important issues in mining industry development including mining education will be discussed in an international symposium Mining in Asia. Sharing of experiences from different countries or regions will be the main goal of this event.
This symposium is an integrated activity with Society of Mining Professors (SOMP) Regional Meeting which will be held on July 25th – 28th, 2018.
This Society of Mining Professors regional meeting will be preceded by an international symposium to obtain the latest updates on mining in Asia and its future prospect.
Institut Teknologi Bandung will host The 8th Society of Mining Professors (SOMP) Regional Meeting 2018 with the theme “Mining Development in Asia: Challenges and Opportunities for Asian Mining Education” through sustainable mining practices. The Society of Mining Professors is a vibrant Society representing the global academic community and committed to making a significant contribution to the future of the minerals disciplines.
The main goal of the Society is to guarantee the scientific, technical, academic and professional knowledge required to ensure a sustainable supply of minerals for mankind. The Society facilitates information exchange, research and teaching partnerships and other collaborative activities among its members.
The 8th SOMP Regional Meeting gives a platform to academics, researchers, government officials, professionals and other stakeholders an opportunity to interact, exchange and analyse the challenges and opportunities within the mining development.
Conference Contact
Prof. Dr. Rudy Sayoga Gautama
Chair of Steering Committee of MIA International Symposium and SOMP Regional Meeting 2018
Email : | Phone : +6281 2232 4234
Assoc. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Aryo Prawoto Wibowo, M.Eng.
Chair of Organizing Committee of MIA International Symposium and SOMP Regional Meeting 2018
Email : | Phone : +6281 2202 9234
Study Program of Mining Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering ITB
Labtek IVa Building, 2nd Floor, Jl. Ganesha No.10 Bandung 40132 West Java, Indonesia
Email : | Phone : +62 22 250 2239 | Fax : +62 22 250 4209
Conference Hall, CRCS Building, 2nd Floor Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Bandung 40132 West Java – Indonesia
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