New doctorate in mining engineering

Sidang promosi Sonny Abfertiawan

Today the Mining Engineering Doctoral Study Program ITB has graduated a new doctoral Dr. Muhammad Sonny Abfertiawan who has successfully defended his dissertation in front of the Doctoral Program Open Session organized by the ITB Graduate School.

Dr. Muhammad Sonny Abfertiawan wrote a dissertation with the title Acid Mine Water Transport Model Through a Watershed Approach in an Open Coal Mine under the guidance of the promoter Prof. Dr. Rudy Sayoga Gautama, co-promoter 1 Prof. Dr. Sudarto Notosiswoyo, and co-promoter 2 Prof. Dr. M. Syahril Badri Kusuma.

Congratulations to Dr. Sonny, I hope that the knowledge gained during the study can be useful for the nation and state.

Sidang promosi Sonny Abfertiawan
Sidang promosi Sonny Abfertiawan