Mining Engineering ITB were deployed into two options or majors, namely Mining Exploration supported by Earth Resources Exploration Research Group and Mining Engineering supported by Mining Engineering Research Group.
1. Mining Exploration
Mining Exploration Option aims to educate the students to be reliable mining exploration engineer with the skills & knowledge on earth resources exploration, be able to develop or implement earth resources exploration technology and to perform tasks efficiently and effectively, both in terms of time, cost and risk. With these criteria, students are expected to address challenges in discovery of mineral deposits and able to provide precise estimation on mineral reserves quantitatively, as well as to find new deposits required for the future and provide an overview of the possibilities of development of these earth resources.

2. Mining Engineering
Mining Engineering Option aims to educate the students to be reliable mining engineer with the skills and knowledge on minerals & coal extraction both on surface and underground, and be able to develop or implement mining technology and to perform tasks efficiently and effectively, in terms of time, cost and risk. With these criteria, students are expected to address challenges in extraction of mineral and coal resources and able to manage the development of mineral and coal resources based on the best mining practice concepts.