Chemical Engineering Competition (CHEMICATION) 2023 is a national scientific competition organized by the Chemical Engineering Student Association of the Faculty of Engineering and Science, UPN “Veteran” East Java. The Paper Competition is part of the Energy Competition where participants create and write scientific papers that are closely related to Sustainable Energy and Technology. This competition contains several stages, such as abstract selection, full paper selection, up to the final stage, which is presentation. In the final stage, there were 3 teams that successfully passed and presented their paper at the Faculty of Engineering and Science, UPN Veteran East Java, precisely in Surabaya on October 21st of 2023. One of the three teams that is ITB, was represented by Mining Engineering student named Rifky Dewa Yasthy (12120098) and Environmental Engineering student named Defita Rossa Sandriana Naseer (15320075).
The “unnamed” team led by Rifky surprisingly managed to qualify for the final stage even though neither of them came from the Chemical Engineering Department. During its preparation, this paper was supervised by a lecturer from the Earth Resource Exploration Research Group, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering ITB, Dr. mont. Andy Yahya Al Hakim, S.T., M.T. The title of the paper that was presented is “Study on the Utilization of Seawater Desalination Based Geothermal Energy to Fulfill the Clean Water Needs in Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN)”.This idea emerged when Rifky was doing internship in Samarinda, East Kalimantan on last July – August, which was initially aimed at clean water needs in coal mines. However, by following discussions with Defita, the idea changed to be related to clean water needs in IKN, considering that the development sector there was underway. Abstractly, desalination is implemented to convert seawater into clean water which utilizes geothermal energy to drive the desalination system. This is because desalination today mostly supplied by hydrocarbon-based energy, so alternative energy that is environmentally friendly and non-intermittent is needed, one of the best is geothermal. While the clean water will be distributed in IKN, this study refers to the Kalimantan region, one of which is Sajau. From the results of observations, it was found that Sajau stores geothermal reserves of 17 MW which are also included in the Government Development Plan according to EBKE 2020. In general, through this idea, Rifky and Defita must plan the feasibility of implementation from an environmental, technical and economic perspective and choose the most suitable desalination method to be integrated with geothermal energy in Sajau which is classified as low – medium enthalpy. The desalination methods proposed to be studied in this paper are Multi-Effect Distillation (MED) and Reverse Osmotion (RO). These two methods are then analyzed in terms of environmental aspects regarding emissions released, technical aspects regarding efficiency, energy requirements, capacity, and daily water production, and economic aspects regarding capital and operational costs. The results of this discussion were then continued to determine which desalination method is better based on geothermal energy in Sajau. This written work then won 2nd place in the Energy Competition from CHEMICATION 2023.
Rifky and Defita revealed that this paper could be elaborated further by reviewing the Strategic Plan related to the development of geothermal-based desalination in IKN or in this case creating a Roadmap for its Implementation in the next 50-100 years. Defita himself said that the biggest obstacle during the writing of this paper was during the UTS period where they had to allocate their time as well as possible to study and review the paper. Moreover, this is the first competition for Defita at the “old” college level in semester VII. Rifky and Defita added that this desalination article could still be developed further in the future from various aspects. Moreover, with the efforts and guidance from the lecturers, they believe that this writing can at least develop writing skills for today’s students.
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