ME-ITB was designed for 8 semesters (4 years) of study with maximum allowable study time of 6 years. The curriculum was designed to prepare the students for professional career in mining industry. The first 6 semesters of the curriculum contain courses intending to provide the students with fundamental knowledge and skills for limited engineering problems. In the last 2 semesters, the curriculum contains engineering design courses and practices to prepare the students for professional practices.

In general, there are 144 CHs of courses that can be classified into the following group of courses:
- TPB courses : 36 CHs
- ITB required courses : 4 CHs
- ME-ITB required courses : 92 CHs
- Elective courses : 12 CHs
There are two optional fields of study under the ME-ITB curriculum, i.e. Mining Exploration and Mining Engineering. The students decide to choose one of the options in 5th semester. The option of Mining Exploration has additional courses focusing on the finding and proving of coal and mineral deposit, on the other side, the option of Mining Engineering has additional courses focusing on the excavation, and underground stability.