Handover Event for Field Lecture Equipment Aid from IA TA ITB

Monday 29 July 2019, the Handover of Field Lecture Equipment Assistance was held from the ITB Mining Engineering Alumni Association (IA TA ITB) to support the practicum process or field lectures for Mining Engineering ITB students, where this tool can also be used for activities that will will take place in the near future, namely field lectures to Karang Connect. Vice Dean for Academic Affairs (WDA) Prof. Ir. Ridho Kresna Wattimena, MT., Ph.D. also hope that this assistance from alumni will not be the last but will be the beginning for the future alumni can continue to contribute to the alma mater, as well as the chairman of IA TA Inez Rara Nastiti who provides support to her younger level who is still active in college to study seriously and in the future can contribute with IA TA.

The event was closed with a symbolic handover of field lecture equipment given by the representative of IA TA ITB, Inez Rara Nastiti (chair of IA TA) to WDA FTTM ITB Prof. Ir. Ridho Kresna Wattimena, MT., Ph.D. and also the Head of Mining Engineering S1 Study Program Dr. Eng. Ganda Marihot Simangunsong, ST., MT.

The following is the documentation of the Handover of Field Lecture Equipment Assistance activities from IA TA ITB.